Firemaw #225
267 ILVL

Last update: 2024-05-19 17:39:17.762
Statistic Value
Alterac Valley victories 100
Eye of the Storm victories 122
Arathi Basin victories 118
Warsong Gulch battles 535
Alterac Valley battles 373
Eye of the Storm battles 363
Arathi Basin battles 480
Deaths in Warsong Gulch 661
Deaths in Alterac Valley 231
Deaths from Drek'Thar 1
Deaths in Arathi Basin 604
Total deaths 8332
Quests abandoned 402
Average quests completed per day 5.82
Daily quests completed 2882
Quests completed 6337
Ruins of Lordaeron matches 1007
Ring of Trials victories 461
Ring of Trials matches 1056
Ruins of Lordaeron victories 231
Circle of Blood matches 1078
Circle of Blood victories 416
Warsong Gulch victories 131
Creatures killed 330372
Critters killed 9030
Lich King 5-player boss killed the most 57 (Devourer of Souls)
Deaths from drowning --
Deaths from fatigue 2
Deaths from falling 36
Deaths from fire and lava 2
Enchanting formulae learned --
Items disenchanted --
Materials produced from disenchanting --
Largest heal cast 208737
Largest hit dealt 700000
Total damage done 6791943200
Total healing done 344609197
First Aid skill 450
Total deaths from opposite faction 6527
Duels won 228
Duels lost 172
Total raid and dungeon deaths 1084
Total deaths to Lich King dungeon bosses 45
Total deaths to Lich King 10-player raid bosses 34
Total deaths to Lich King 25-player raid bosses 60
Gold from quest rewards 61946g 89s 54c
Total gold acquired 129282g 75s 12c
Auctions posted 1700
Auction purchases 6579
Most expensive bid on auction 16999g 99s 87c
Most expensive auction sold 1284g 13s 62c
Gold looted 49279g 12s 92c
Most gold ever owned 53103g 6s 4c
Legendary items acquired 3
Vanity pets owned 121
Mounts owned 113
Epic items looted 1616
Epic items acquired 2094
Bandages used 355
Health potions consumed 1605
Beverages consumed 4486
Food eaten 6413
Flight paths taken 1820
Mage Portals taken 521
Number of times hearthed 1486
5v5 victories 144
5v5 matches 331
3v3 victories 174
3v3 matches 387
2v2 victories 1227
2v2 matches 3055
Highest 2 man personal rating 2068
Highest 2 man team rating --
Most factions at Exalted 49
Most factions at Revered or higher 54
World Honorable Kills 107
Battleground Honorable Kills 23323
Arena Honorable Kills 1700
Alterac Valley towers defended 78
Alterac Valley towers captured 50
Warsong Gulch flags captured 290
Largest hit received 63943
Total damage received 754996397
Most factions at Honored or higher 54
Eye of the Storm flags captured 180
Warsong Gulch flags returned 266
Total Honorable Kills 57011
Highest 5 man team rating --
Highest 3 man team rating --
Deaths from Hogger --
Highest 3 man personal rating 1585
Highest 5 man personal rating 1374
Deaths in Naxxramas 48
Average gold earned per day 126g 49s 97c
Average daily quests completed per day 2.65
Resurrected by priests 71
Rebirthed by druids 94
Spirit returned to body by shamans 87
Redeemed by paladins 120
Resurrected by soulstones 49
Flasks consumed 376
Healthstones used 632
Largest heal received 208737
Total healing received 657786935
Arenas won 1374
Arenas played 3773
Battlegrounds played 1907
Battlegrounds won 569
Total deaths in 25-player raids 553
Total deaths in 10-player raids 236
Total deaths in 5-player dungeons 56
Gold earned from auctions 18056g 72s 66c
Gold from vendors --
Mana potions consumed 910
Elixirs consumed 7106
Most Northrend factions at Exalted 9
Most Outland factions at Exalted 16
Equipped epic items in item slots 18
Extra bank slots purchased 7
Total factions encountered 62
Total 5-player dungeons entered 1389
Total 10-player raids entered 302
Total 25-player raids entered 219
Number of hugs 62
Greed rolls made on loot 5104
Need rolls made on loot 2764
Total cheers 86
Total facepalms --
Deaths in 2v2 824
Total waves 178
Total times LOL'd 352
Total times playing world's smallest violin 1
Keli'dan the Breaker kills (The Blood Furnace) 29
Nexus-Prince Shaffar kills (Mana Tombs) 18
Epoch Hunter kills (The Escape From Durnholde) 11
Quagmirran kills (Slave Pens) 22
Black Stalker kills (Underbog) 12
Exarch Maladaar kills (Auchenai Crypts) 7
Talon King Ikiss kills (Sethekk Halls) 125
Murmur kills (Shadow Labyrinth) 24
Aeonus kills (Opening of the Dark Portal) 18
Warlord Kalithresh kills (The Steamvault) 19
Warchief Kargath Bladefist kills (The Shattered Halls) 23
Pathaleon the Calculator kills (The Mechanar) 6
Warp Splinter kills (The Botanica) 7
Harbinger Skyriss kills (The Arcatraz) 9
Kael'thas Sunstrider kills (Magister's Terrace) 42
Prince Malchezaar kills (Karazhan) 8
Zul'jin kills (Zul'Aman) 2
Gruul kills (Gruul's Lair) 10
Magtheridon kills (Magtheridon's Lair) 7
Lady Vashj kills (Serpentshrine Cavern) 1
Kael'thas Sunstrider kills (Tempest Keep) 2
Illidan Stormrage kills (The Black Temple) 6
Kil'jaeden kills (Sunwell Plateau) 4
Edwin VanCleef kills (Deadmines) 6
Archmage Arugal kills (Shadowfang Keep) 2
Scarlet Commander Mograine kills (Scarlet Monastery) 1
Chief Ukorz Sandscalp kills (Zul'Farrak) 13
Emperor Dagran Thaurissan kills (Blackrock Depths) 1
General Drakkisath kills (Blackrock Spire) 5
Baron Rivendare kills (Stratholme) 20
Onyxia kills (Onyxia's Lair) 27
Ragnaros kills (Molten Core) 22
Nefarian kills (Blackwing Lair) 4
C'Thun kills (Temple of Ahn'Qiraj) 6
Hakkar kills (Zul'Gurub) 3
Lich King 5-player dungeons completed (final boss killed) 206
Lich King 10-player raids completed (final boss killed) 29
Deaths in Eye of the Storm 336
Deaths in 3v3 181
Deaths in 5v5 45
5v5 Arena Honorable Kills 846
3v3 Arena Honorable Kills 536
2v2 Arena Honorable Kills 1981
Eye of the Storm Honorable Kills 4912
Alterac Valley Honorable Kills 2989
Arathi Basin Honorable Kills 5572
Warsong Gulch Honorable Kills 5966
Bandage used most 67 (Runecloth Bandage)
Gold spent on travel 538g 57s 95c
Gold spent at barber shops --
Gold spent on postage 75g 95s 40c
Talent tree respecs --
Gold spent on talent tree respecs --
Total kills 396413
Total kills that grant experience or honor 190500
Professions learned 2
Secondary skills at maximum skill 3
Professions at maximum skill 2
Weapon skills at maximum skill 7
Revived by druids 77
Keristrasza kills (The Nexus) 2
Anub'arak kills (Azjol-Nerub) 1
Herald Volazj kills (Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom) 1
The Prophet Tharon'ja kills (Drak'Tharon Keep) --
Cyanigosa kills (The Violet Hold) 1
Gal'darah kills (Gundrak) 1
Sjonnir the Ironshaper kills (Halls of Stone) --
Loken kills (Halls of Lightning) --
Ley-Guardian Eregos kills (The Oculus) --
King Ymiron kills (Utgarde Pinnacle) 3
Mal'Ganis defeated (Caverns of Time: Stratholme) --
Ingvar the Plunderer kills (Utgarde Keep) --
Raised as a ghoul 3
Different bandage types used 12
Health potion used most 533 (Potion of Nightmares)
Different health potions used 17
Mana potion used most 533 (Potion of Nightmares)
Different mana potions used 15
Elixir consumed most 6155 (Noggenfogger Elixir)
Different elixirs used 47
Flask consumed most 291 (Flask of Endless Rage)
Different flasks consumed 7
Creature type killed the most 142013 (Humanoid)
Different creature types killed 10
Mage portal taken most 398 (Portal to Dalaran)
Anub'Rekhan kills (Naxxramas 10 player) 6
Grand Widow Faerlina kills (Naxxramas 10 player) 4
Maexxna kills (Naxxramas 10 player) 4
Patchwerk kills (Naxxramas 10 player) 8
Noth the Plaguebringer kills (Naxxramas 10 player) 9
Gothik the Harvester kills (Naxxramas 10 player) 3
Patchwerk kills (Naxxramas 25 player) 7
Anub'Rekhan kills (Naxxramas 25 player) 6
Heigan the Unclean kills (Naxxramas 10 player) 5
Loatheb kills (Naxxramas 10 player) 4
Grobbulus kills (Naxxramas 10 player) 5
Gluth kills (Naxxramas 10 player) 4
Thaddius kills (Naxxramas 10 player) 4
Instructor Razuvious kills (Naxxramas 10 player) 6
Four Horsemen kills (Naxxramas 10 player) 28
Sapphiron kills (Naxxramas 10 player) 6
Kel'Thuzad kills (Naxxramas 10 player) 6
Gluth kills (Naxxramas 25 player) 7
Gothik the Harvester kills (Naxxramas 25 player) 7
Grand Widow Faerlina kills (Naxxramas 25 player) 6
Grobbulus kills (Naxxramas 25 player) 7
Heigan the Unclean kills (Naxxramas 25 player) 6
Four Horsemen kills (Naxxramas 25 player) 171
Instructor Razuvious kills (Naxxramas 25 player) 7
Loatheb kills (Naxxramas 25 player) 6
Maexxna kills (Naxxramas 25 player) 6
Noth the Plaguebringer kills (Naxxramas 25 player) 6
Thaddius kills (Naxxramas 25 player) 7
Sapphiron kills (Naxxramas 25 player) 9
Kel'Thuzad kills (Naxxramas 25 player) 10
Malygos kills (10 player) 7
Sartharion kills (Chamber of the Aspects 10 player) 8
Sartharion kills (Chamber of the Aspects 25 player) 9
Malygos kills (25 player) 7
Fish and other things caught 8040
Continent with the most Honorable Kills 58 (Northrend)
Badges of Justice acquired 1409
Emblems of Heroism acquired 361
Emblems of Valor acquired 343
Most Alliance factions at Exalted 14
Lich King 5-player bosses killed 899
Lich King 5-player different bosses killed 60
Strand of the Ancients Honorable Kills 2509
Total Killing Blows 186050
World Killing Blows 76530
Continent with the most Killing Blows 27940 (Northrend)
Arena Killing Blows 2373
Battleground Killing Blows 11938
2v2 Arena Killing Blows 2671
3v3 Arena Killing Blows 216
5v5 Arena Killing Blows 273
Alterac Valley Killing Blows 1815
Arathi Basin Killing Blows 3732
Warsong Gulch Killing Blows 3304
Eye of the Storm Killing Blows 2136
Strand of the Ancients Killing Blows 602
Deaths in Strand of the Ancients 197
Total deaths from other players 6612
Ingvar the Plunderer kills (Heroic Utgarde Keep) 11
Keristrasza kills (Heroic Nexus) 14
Anub'arak kills (Heroic Azjol-Nerub) 21
Herald Volazj kills (Heroic Ahn'kahet) 18
The Prophet Tharon'ja kills (Heroic Drak'Tharon Keep) 39
Cyanigosa kills (Heroic Violet Hold) 24
Gal'darah kills (Heroic Gundrak) 15
Sjonnir the Ironshaper kills (Heroic Halls of Stone) 16
Loken kills (Heroic Halls of Lightning) 16
Ley-Guardian Eregos kills (Heroic Oculus) 14
King Ymiron kills (Heroic Utgarde Pinnacle) 20
Mal'Ganis defeated (Heroic CoT: Stratholme) 15
Fish caught 7406
Fishing skill 450
Cooking skill 450
Cooking daily quests completed 99
Fishing daily quests completed 298
Highest Alchemy skill --
Highest Blacksmithing skill --
Highest Enchanting skill --
Highest Leatherworking skill --
Highest Mining skill --
Highest Herbalism skill --
Highest Inscription skill --
Highest Jewelcrafting skill --
Highest Skinning skill --
Highest Tailoring skill 450
Highest Engineering skill 450
Ring of Valor matches --
Ring of Valor victories --
Dalaran Sewers matches 632
Dalaran Sewers victories 266
Strand of the Ancients battles 73
Strand of the Ancients victories 38
Battleground with the most Killing Blows 3732 (Arathi Basin)
Battleground with the most Honorable Kills 5966 (Warsong Gulch)
Alchemy Recipes learned --
Blacksmithing Plans learned --
Engineering Schematics learned 475
Inscriptions learned --
Jewelcrafting Designs learned --
Leatherworking Patterns learned --
Tailoring Patterns learned 784
Cooking Recipes known 352
First Aid Manuals learned 35
Archavon the Stone Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 10 player) 9
Archavon the Stone Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 25 player) 6
Lich King 25-player bosses killed 511
Lich King 25-player different bosses killed 47
Lich King 25-player boss killed the most 171 (The Four Horsemen)
Lich King 25-player raids completed (final boss killed) 57
Lich King 10-player bosses killed 206
Lich King 10-player different bosses killed 35
Lich King 10-player boss killed the most 28 (The Four Horsemen)
Beverage consumed most 2112 (Purified Draenic Water)
Different beverages consumed 85
Different foods eaten 179
Food eaten most 620 (Naaru Ration)
Dalaran Cooking Awards gained 182
Dalaran Jewelcrafter's Tokens gained --
Most deadly Lich King dungeon boss 7 (Slad'ran)
Most deadly Lich King 10-player raid boss 6 (Patchwerk)
Most deadly Lich King 25-player raid boss 18 (The Lich King)
Total deaths in 5-player heroic dungeons 238
Summons accepted 364
Battleground played the most 535 (Warsong Gulch)
Battleground won the most 131 (Warsong Gulch)
Mr. Bigglesworth kills 2
Flame Leviathan kills (Ulduar 10 player) 9
Razorscale kills (Ulduar 10 player) 2
Ignis the Furnace Master kills (Ulduar 10 player) 1
XT-002 Deconstructor kills (Ulduar 10 player) 1
Assembly of Iron kills (Ulduar 10 player) 1
Kologarn kills (Ulduar 10 player) 1
Hodir victories (Ulduar 10 player) --
Thorim victories (Ulduar 10 player) 1
Freya victories (Ulduar 10 player) --
Mimiron victories (Ulduar 10 player) 1
General Vezax kills (Ulduar 10 player) 1
Algalon the Observer kills (Ulduar 10 player) 1
Auriaya kills (Ulduar 10 player) 1
Yogg-Saron kills (Ulduar 10 player) 1
Emalon the Storm Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 10 player) 6
Flame Leviathan kills (Ulduar 25 player) 4
Razorscale kills (Ulduar 25 player) 4
Ignis the Furnace Master kills (Ulduar 25 player) 4
Kologarn kills (Ulduar 25 player) 4
Mimiron victories (Ulduar 25 player) 5
General Vezax kills (Ulduar 25 player) 4
Algalon the Observer kills (Ulduar 25 player) --
Auriaya kills (Ulduar 25 player) 4
Yogg-Saron kills (Ulduar 25 player) 2
XT-002 Deconstructor kills (Ulduar 25 player) 4
Assembly of Iron kills (Ulduar 25 player) 4
Emblems of Conquest acquired 478
Smelting Recipes learned --
Emalon the Storm Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 25 player) 11
Hodir victories (Ulduar 25 player) 4
Thorim victories (Ulduar 25 player) 4
Freya victories (Ulduar 25 player) 3
Deaths in Ulduar 53
Victories over Hunter Champion (Trial of the Champion) --
Victories over Hunter Champion (Heroic Trial of the Champion) 16
Victories over Argent Confessor Paletress (Trial of the Champion) --
Victories over Argent Confessor Paletress (Heroic Trial of the Champion) 7
Victories over Eadric the Pure (Trial of the Champion) --
Victories over Eadric the Pure (Heroic Trial of the Champion) 13
The Black Knight kills (Trial of the Champion) --
The Black Knight kills (Heroic Trial of the Champion) 20
Victories over the Beasts of Northrend (Trial of the Crusader 10 player) 9
Victories over the Beasts of Northrend (Trial of the Grand Crusader 25 player) 14
Victories over the Beasts of Northrend (Trial of the Grand Crusader 10 player) 6
Victories over the Beasts of Northrend (Trial of the Crusader 25 player) 16
Lord Jaraxxus kills (Trial of the Crusader 10 player) 9
Lord Jaraxxus kills (Trial of the Grand Crusader 10 player) 6
Lord Jaraxxus kills (Trial of the Crusader 25 player) 16
Lord Jaraxxus kills (Trial of the Grand Crusader 25 player) 14
Victories over the Faction Champions (Trial of the Crusader 10 player) 8
Victories over the Faction Champions (Trial of the Grand Crusader 10 player) 6
Victories over the Faction Champions (Trial of the Crusader 25 player) 16
Victories over the Faction Champions (Trial of the Grand Crusader 25 player) 14
Val'kyr Twins kills (Trial of the Crusader 10 player) 8
Val'kyr Twins kills (Trial of the Grand Crusader 10 player) 6
Val'kyr Twins kills (Trial of the Crusader 25 player) 16
Val'kyr Twins kills (Trial of the Grand Crusader 25 player) 13
Times completed the Trial of the Crusader (10 player) 7
Times completed the Trial of the Grand Crusader (10 player) 5
Times completed the Trial of the Crusader (25 player) 16
Times completed the Trial of the Grand Crusader (25 player) 5
Victories over Mage Champion (Trial of the Champion) --
Victories over Mage Champion (Heroic Trial of the Champion) 12
Victories over Rogue Champion (Trial of the Champion) --
Victories over Rogue Champion (Heroic Trial of the Champion) 11
Victories over Shaman Champion (Trial of the Champion) --
Victories over Shaman Champion (Heroic Trial of the Champion) 11
Victories over Warrior Champion (Trial of the Champion) --
Victories over Warrior Champion (Heroic Trial of the Champion) 9
Koralon the Flame Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 10 player) 4
Koralon the Flame Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 25 player) 8
Isle of Conquest battles 83
Isle of Conquest victories 55
Random Lich King (normal) dungeons completed --
Random Lich King (heroic) dungeons completed 33
Lord Marrowgar kills (Icecrown 10 player) --
Lord Marrowgar kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player) --
Lord Marrowgar kills (Icecrown 25 player) 1
Lord Marrowgar kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player) 19
Lady Deathwhisper kills (Icecrown 10 player) --
Gunship Battle victories (Icecrown 10 player) --
Deathbringer kills (Icecrown 10 player) --
Festergut kills (Icecrown 10 player) --
Rotface kills (Icecrown 10 player) --
Blood Prince Council kills (Icecrown 10 player) --
Valithria Dreamwalker rescues (Icecrown 10 player) --
Professor Putricide kills (Icecrown 10 player) --
Blood Queen Lana'thel kills (Icecrown 10 player) --
Sindragosa kills (Icecrown 10 player) --
Victories over the Lich King (Icecrown 10 player) --
Lady Deathwhisper kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player) --
Lady Deathwhisper kills (Icecrown 25 player) 5
Lady Deathwhisper kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player) 15
Toravon the Ice Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 10 player) 11
Toravon the Ice Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 25 player) 17
Gunship Battle victories (Heroic Icecrown 10 player) --
Gunship Battle victories (Icecrown 25 player) --
Gunship Battle victories (Heroic Icecrown 25 player) 20
Deathbringer kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player) --
Deathbringer kills (Icecrown 25 player) 5
Deathbringer kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player) 15
Festergut kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player) --
Festergut kills (Icecrown 25 player) 5
Festergut kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player) 15
Rotface kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player) --
Rotface kills (Icecrown 25 player) 1
Rotface kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player) 19
Blood Prince Council kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player) --
Blood Prince Council kills (Icecrown 25 player) 4
Blood Prince Council kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player) 15
Valithria Dreamwalker rescues (Heroic Icecrown 10 player) --
Valithria Dreamwalker rescues (Icecrown 25 player) 5
Valithria Dreamwalker rescues (Heroic Icecrown 25 player) 15
Professor Putricide kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player) --
Professor Putricide kills (Icecrown 25 player) 9
Professor Putricide kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player) 10
Blood Queen Lana'thel kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player) --
Blood Queen Lana'thel kills (Icecrown 25 player) 3
Blood Queen Lana'thel kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player) 16
Sindragosa kills (Icecrown 25 player) 6
Sindragosa kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player) --
Sindragosa kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player) 12
Victories over the Lich King (Heroic Icecrown 10 player) --
Victories over the Lich King (Icecrown 25 player) 13
Victories over the Lich King (Heroic Icecrown 25 player) 1
Bronjahm kills (Forge of Souls) --
Bronjahm kills (Heroic Forge of Souls) 57
Devourer of Souls kills (Forge of Souls) --
Devourer of Souls kills (Heroic Forge of Souls) 57
Forgemaster Garfrost kills (Pit of Saron) --
Ick and Krick kills (Pit of Saron) --
Ick and Krick kills (Heroic Pit of Saron) 4
Scourgelord Tyrannus kills (Pit of Saron) --
Scourgelord Tyrannus kills (Heroic Pit of Saron) 4
Falric kills (Halls of Reflection) --
Falric kills (Heroic Halls of Reflection) 3
Marwyn kills (Halls of Reflection) --
Marwyn kills (Heroic Halls of Reflection) 3
Lich King escapes (Halls of Reflection) --
Lich King escapes (Heroic Halls of Reflection) 3
Forgemaster Garfrost kills (Heroic Pit of Saron) 4
Emblems of Triumph acquired 1411
Emblems of Frost acquired 1266
Isle of Conquest Killing Blows 349
Disenchant rolls made on loot --
Isle of Conquest Honorable Kills 1375
Deaths in Trial of the Crusader 135
Deaths in Icecrown Citadel 219
Halion kills (Ruby Sanctum 25 player) 2
Halion kills (Ruby Sanctum 10 player) --
Halion kills (Heroic Ruby Sanctum 10 player) --
Halion kills (Heroic Ruby Sanctum 25 player) --